Private Medical Insurance

Most UK residents are entitled to free healthcare from the NHS. However, we all know that there is a waiting time for hospital treatment. Some people also prefer going to private hospitals. Private medical insurance (also known as health insurance) can supplement what’s available on the NHS. Like all insurance, the cover you get from private medical insurance depends on the policy you buy. Basic private medical insurance usually picks up the costs of most in-patient treatments (tests and surgery) and day-care surgery. Some policies extend to out-patient treatments (such as specialists and consultants) and may pay you a small fixed amount for each night you spend in an NHS hospital. Your insurance usually won’t cover private treatment for:

  • pre-existing medical conditions
  • chronic illnesses such as HIV/AIDs-related illnesses, diabetes, epilepsy, hypertension and related illnesses
  • normal pregnancy and childbirth costs
  • organ transplants
  • injuries relating to dangerous sports or arising from war or war-like hostilities
  • cosmetic surgery to improve your appearance